The Reality of Death in COVID 19 Times

“Kwiranira Miatu..” catch the meaning at the end.

“There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. “Sure the Promise still stands

Conversation Magazine

It is difficult to talk about death in the African context. The very mention of it causes fear as it is seen as ‘gutheetha[1]‘ – wishing for it to happen.  In our traditional understanding, death is sinking into the unknown, the abyss of all reality, the unfortunate end of life, and joining the ancestral spirits who roam restlessly, often causing harm in the lives of the living unless appeasement happens. Yet, death is inevitable and, in fact, universal. Every person will die. In the famous words attributed to Benjamin Franklin – two things are certain: death and taxes!  

In the last few months, a new strain of Corona Virus has swept the world and taken the lives of many. Currently, the virus does not have a cure or a vaccine, and it is highly infectious. In Kenya, we have deaths in triple digits so far. The…

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Published by Daniel maina

Christian |:| Word of God |:| Hope-Centred |:| What goes on in the world concerns me but I know there is one who is in charge over everything. #GodsInControl

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